Hip Hop Musician/DJ/media professional

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Clear Visions Podcast: ...LIVE *laughs*

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Man. This pandemic has turned Mr. Al Pete into a Circuit City salesman! He attempts to do his podcast live by using a new tool he received an indirect Bachelors degree in: Ecamm.

Enjoy the audio…AND the actual video (below)! Make sure you subscribe and rate this podcast on your choice of platform. #TOTHETOP


Mr. Al Pete - Something More feat. Tony White

Mr. Al Pete - Iceman (Live performance at Void Magazine ‘Into the Void’ office series)

Clear Visions Podcast: Intro Episode

Mr. Al Pete has returned with his personal podcast! In this introduction episode, he lays out his 2020 plans that entails him being more involved with podcasting, his final semester in college and his music moves.

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