Hip Hop Musician/DJ/media professional

Filtering by Category: Clear Visions

Reflections on The Neighborhood show

…I’m slightly coming down from the high I’ve been in for a month now. I’ll probably jump back to being high again because of the episodes I’ve been producing…and what I have in mind. 

If I could have more time…while resting…that’ll be great…but who said it’ll be easy? *waits on no one to reply*

I’m thankful to everyone who sent their warm blessings to me about the show. I’m thankful to everyone who gets a chance to listen to it. I’m thankful to WJCT/JME for the opportunity. I’m thankful for all of the practices I’ve done to get to this point. 

You can listen to The Neighborhood show HERE on Saturday nights at 9pm.

Enjoy the show, Neighbors.

Follow all socials and subscribe to my websites: Mr. Al Pete and The MPN Network.  

Season Opener...Let's Do This!

I’m byke (for Duval County) and back (for the world). Season 6. Ah man. Here’s an introductory of what’s about to happen this go ‘round. It’ll be the same moves, but more artistic flow to it.

To the new folks…welcome. To the Neighbors that’s been around…good day. While we get this show going, go back and listen to the previous shows from me and the other Neighbors on the network. It’s good tings.


Follow all socials and subscribe to my websites: Mr. Al Pete and The MPN Network.

Black Podcasting Awards Reel Submission 2023...And Season Finale

Here’s my reel I submitted for the Black Podcasting Awards this year. Congrats to my folks who were nominated. Unfortunately I wasn’t selected this year so…

…die empty…hope yall enjoy this show and the season.

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN
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9-11 and Jay Hova

September 11th, 2001 will forever be a memorable moment in history. The 9/11 attacks on the United States has been dubbed as one of the worst events to occur. We send respects and prayers to everyone that was affected by the situatOn the flip, Jay Z released ‘The Blueprint’ album on the same day. This project was received well with hits like ‘Izzo’, ‘Takeover’, and more. 

On the 22nd anniversary, I took time to share why September 11th, 2001 was memorable to me and how these events will be close to my heart. Enjoy. 


Jay Z book ‘Decoded’

Chuck D book ‘This Day in Rap and Hip Hop History

Jay Z ‘The Blueprint’ Discover the Samples video:

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN
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Fly Socks and Tees Update

A Fly Socks & Tees update for the Neighbors and Groovers who listen. I’ll make it public when further details get concrete.

P.S. I’m totally cool with the decision I made. Bless up.

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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It’s the birthday, so I’m doing an obvious birthday show *laughs*. Here’s a quick 5:45am reflection. Thank you to everyone who is listening to this and has sent blessings. Be great to yourself and to others.

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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Will Our Content Ever Be Right??

Here's a quick word about how we question and second guess ourselves when it comes to the beautiful work we create...and we end up not letting it go for the world to adore. These words are confirmation that I go through it often, but I have to just throw it out and let it breathe.

Someone mentioned that when you do work, you might not get that instant appreciation from people. It might come a year from now...or even 20 years from now. That sat with me...along with some content I need to quit playing around with and throw out *laughs*. So yes got it and we appreciate your work. We'll support it when you release it. We're standing with you.


Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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Waffle House Chronicles feat. the Content Creators of Color Family

waffle house, what happens at waffle house

Peace to the Content Creators of Color family and their support they lend to me. This was a general conversation in our daily Clubhouse room. Waffle House came up and it went from there. We joked about a typical experience at the restaurant: from the cooks coming back from break late to the drinks with no straws *laughs*!

Check out the C4 crew site at

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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Being Heard

Do you feel like you're speaking to a wall or to an open sky and no one answers or acknowledges? I share some thoughts on this and how detrimental it could be to a community builder, manager, or anyone that's in position to be an ear to someone. 

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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Where I'm At With Podcasting

Coming one with my thoughts with podcasting. I've played around with these feelings for a good minute, but woke up and decided to share. 

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to The MPN Network website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpeteMPN

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