Hip Hop Musician/DJ/media professional

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Clear Visions Podcast: Season 3 Intro


It's the indirect kickoff to season 3! While relaxing before the RnB Mostly brunch event, I hit record on the phone and...recorded. I explained the ideal layout of how this season will roll and much more. Enjoy.

Mr. Al Pete - For My Neighbors
Freddy Bricks - Council of Nokia

Follow all socials and subscribe to my website: and subscribe to Mister Peterson's Neighborhood website:

Instagram: @mralpete
Twitter: @mralpete

Powered by MPN Network. Music production and audio engineering by myself.

You can listen to this podcast on MPN Network site: and on all podcast platforms.

Clear Visions Podcast (BONUS): The Reset


Mr. Allen is back…with a BONUS episode! Vandy Jackson joins Pete in a conversation about how men need to ‘reset’ and how women…….well…….can do what they want, respectfully.

Make sure you’re follow Vandy and check out his work! Enjoy the show!

Powered by MPN Network. Music production and engineering: Mr. Al Pete

Check out this and other podcasts from the MPN Podcast Network at

Clear Visions Podcast: The CLEAR-Clear (Season Finale)

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Mr. Al Pete wraps up the season with some reflective talk. This was brought on by previous thoughts and a conversation he had with his Reduced Lunch brothers.

…a ‘clear vision’ that’ll help him going forward.

Powered by MPN Network. Music production and engineering: Mr. Al Pete

Check out this and other podcasts from the MPN Podcast Network at


Mr. Al Pete - Shift (from the mixtape ‘Evelyn Flow, The Third’)

Mr. Al Pete - Under Pressure (from the album ‘Mister Peterson’s Neighborhood’)

Clear Visions Podcast: 'Creator vs. Entrepreneur'

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Neighbors and Groovers! It’s the episode before the finale of the season *plays Boyz II Men ‘End of the Road’*!

On this episode, Mr. Al Pete gives us the church announcements, his fairly new experience with entrepreneurship, and sneak calls his friend/co-host of the Flowers For The Culture podcast: Crowned ReRe.

Powered by MPN Network. Music production and engineering: Mr. Al Pete

Check out this and other podcasts from the MPN Podcast Network at  


Budgie - Come On Baby

LrkChronicle - Bruce Wayne feat. Lucy Star& DMEC

Stalley - A Main

Clear Visions Podcast: The Skin I'm In Panel Discussion

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We had a climate conversation w/ Ashy Artt, Zachary Bell, and Chris Allen.

Hosted by Mr. Al Pete and ChristinaCurates. Production by Mr. Al Pete and MrofApril.

Clear Visions Podcast: ...It's A LOOOOOOTTTTTT...!!!

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Mr. Al Pete gives his anxiety thoughts and concerns about one of the obvious issues in the world: COVID-19. He seems as if he’s crazy for having full attention to it, but he reassures himself and his listeners that…he’s not crazy. He’s precautious…and considerate. Enjoy the listen (on here or on your favorite podcast platforms).

Music production and engineering: Mr. Al Pete


Cookin Soul ‘Whateva Vol. 3’ - MARCI

Tall Black Guy - We Rollin’ For You (Max I Million Remix)

Clear Visions Podcast: Black Excellence...With Papers: Tony Maseratii


What's better than one black man with a degree? Two! Mr. Al Pete calls up the good sir Tony 'Maseratii' Washington for a celebratory conversation about receiving their Bachelors degree (during the pandemic) and at the age levels they're respectfully in. They also speak on the importance of being a black man with them papers and how this will enlighten the next generation and community. and

Instagram/Twitter: @mralpete @tonymaseratii

Facebook: Mr. Al Pete and Tony Maseratti Washington

Check out the audio (above or on your choice of podcast platform). For the video watchers, check out below.

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Clear Visions Podcast: Funny Mother Stories from the MPN Podcast Network

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Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the world! On this episode, Pete hits up The Neighborhood Podcast Network for some funny mom stories. Crowned ReRe (The CrownTalk Podcast), Hendrix Monae (Sht Talk No Fragrance Podcast), and Love Reigns (Random Thoughts of Reign) shared their hilarious memories!

Tune in to their individual podcasts that can be located on Also, make sure you subscribe and rate this podcast on your choice of platform. #TOTHETOP

Music production and engineering: Mr. Al Pete


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